Room Twelve - The Resurrection

Time: approximately 10 minutes
Estimated Cost: $48,200
Scripture: Matthew 27:57-65, 28:1-10
Mark 15:42-47, 16:1-8
Luke 23:50-55, 24:1-12
John 19: 38-42, 20:1-18
1 Peter 3:18-20
Revelation 1:18
The concept of the museum exhibits is unique in that you, the guest, will walk into the scenes experiencing the events depicted as if you were there when it first happened.
Can you imagine what it would have been like to visit the tomb on the 3rd day after the crucifixion? In room 12 you will have the opportunity to find out.
This room is smaller than many of the others. You will enter a scene that appears to be the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. The mural on the walls at all sides makes it look as though the landscape goes on forever. The lighting is dim. For a few minutes you are given the chance to view the details of the room.
The room begins to tremble with a roaring thunderous earthquake. Where you are standing the floor will light up showing you deep into the ground beneath, into the very pits of Hell. Rumbling continues and lights flicker and flash. Jesus has conquered the grave.
The roaring sounds continue as the large stone closing the tomb begins to roll away to the side. Then all is quiet and peaceful. Day light rises as morning approaches.
A voice over begins and you hear Mary and the other women talking as they come toward the tomb. You hear the scene unfold only through the surround sound audio. The scene continues as scripture tells us. Mary and the women see the tomb is empty. They go inside and see angels waiting for them in the tomb. The angels tell them that Jesus has risen just as he said he would.
You hear Mary and the women’s excitement as they rush to tell the disciples what they have seen and heard. You are welcome to peer into the tomb yourself. It is empty. Only the cloth from wrapping Jesus’ body lay there.
Then as you look around and marvel at the wonderful news that Jesus is a live and resurrected he appears. Yes! Jesus appears with his outstretched arms to you. It is a hologram of our making, but nevertheless meaningful to see. Jesus says to you that he came so that you may have life.
Slowly Jesus ascends and is gone. The song plays “Amazing love…how can it be that you my king would die for me…”
The scene is over and you now enter the next room, which is the chapel. You are invited to pray, have a prayer counselor pray with you, or to sit and reflect as long as you wish.
Estimated Cost: $48,200
Scripture: Matthew 27:57-65, 28:1-10
Mark 15:42-47, 16:1-8
Luke 23:50-55, 24:1-12
John 19: 38-42, 20:1-18
1 Peter 3:18-20
Revelation 1:18
The concept of the museum exhibits is unique in that you, the guest, will walk into the scenes experiencing the events depicted as if you were there when it first happened.
Can you imagine what it would have been like to visit the tomb on the 3rd day after the crucifixion? In room 12 you will have the opportunity to find out.
This room is smaller than many of the others. You will enter a scene that appears to be the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. The mural on the walls at all sides makes it look as though the landscape goes on forever. The lighting is dim. For a few minutes you are given the chance to view the details of the room.
The room begins to tremble with a roaring thunderous earthquake. Where you are standing the floor will light up showing you deep into the ground beneath, into the very pits of Hell. Rumbling continues and lights flicker and flash. Jesus has conquered the grave.
The roaring sounds continue as the large stone closing the tomb begins to roll away to the side. Then all is quiet and peaceful. Day light rises as morning approaches.
A voice over begins and you hear Mary and the other women talking as they come toward the tomb. You hear the scene unfold only through the surround sound audio. The scene continues as scripture tells us. Mary and the women see the tomb is empty. They go inside and see angels waiting for them in the tomb. The angels tell them that Jesus has risen just as he said he would.
You hear Mary and the women’s excitement as they rush to tell the disciples what they have seen and heard. You are welcome to peer into the tomb yourself. It is empty. Only the cloth from wrapping Jesus’ body lay there.
Then as you look around and marvel at the wonderful news that Jesus is a live and resurrected he appears. Yes! Jesus appears with his outstretched arms to you. It is a hologram of our making, but nevertheless meaningful to see. Jesus says to you that he came so that you may have life.
Slowly Jesus ascends and is gone. The song plays “Amazing love…how can it be that you my king would die for me…”
The scene is over and you now enter the next room, which is the chapel. You are invited to pray, have a prayer counselor pray with you, or to sit and reflect as long as you wish.